Hygiene isn't just about maintaining a good appearance. It is a proactive way to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. Good personal hygiene habits keep our children healthy, ward off illnesses, maintain a healthy body image, and build a healthy personality.

Hygiene isn't just about maintaining a good appearance. It is a proactive way to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. Good personal hygiene habits keep our children healthy, ward off illnesses, maintain a healthy body image, and build a healthy personality.

Kids are more likely to fall sick, compared to adults. This is because, kids are liable to come in contact with their peers, and if not taken care of, harmful bacteria can get transmitted easily, therefore increasing their risks of falling ill.

Here are a few useful hygiene tips to help our kids remain healthy and fit:

1. Hand Wash

Arguably, the most important part of good hygiene is washing hands. To eliminate chances of coming in contact with germs while playing or while coming in contact with peers or animals, it is a must to teach our kids to wash their hands in the right manner. They must be taught to scrub their hands with soap, not just water.

2. Use of Handkerchief

It is best to pack a clean pair of handkerchiefs for kids when they go to Preschool or Daycare. Children should be taught to use their handkerchiefs to cover their mouth while coughing or sneezing and also to protect themselves from dust outdoors, etc.

3. Hair Care

It is important to wash a child’s hair at least thrice a week to keep it free from dirt and grease. Washing their hair too frequently can dry out the young scalps and must be avoided. Children must be taught to never share personal objects such as combs, pillows, and hats.

4. Oral Hygiene

It is crucial to teach young kids proper methods of Oral Hygiene. Brushing their teeth at least twice a day and flossing should be taught early and improved with practice.

5. Cleaning Fingernails

Unclean fingernails are the favourite breeding grounds for germs. These germs can be easily contacted with the open areas of the body such as the mouth, eyes and the nose. Clipping their fingernails must be taught and be made a habit to avoid such instances.

6. Washroom Hygiene

Children should be taught to wash their hands each time they use the washroom to avoid any infections. This will help curtail irritation and avoid any infections. Usually, children have trouble in mastering these habits and is best to give them their time to learn.

7. Foot Hygiene

Foot Hygiene is usually not taken seriously among parents, but the fact is that foot nails can carry a lot of germs in addition to soil and other minute particles which can cause fungal infection in the toes of kids. Children should be taught how to clean their feet, and when to change socks. It is recommended to wear footwear that allows the feet to breathe.

8. Deterring Unhealthy Habits

Children should be taught about the differences between healthy and unhealthy habits, which play an important role in maintaining good hygiene. Habits like biting fingernails, spitting in public, picking nose etc. give room to germs which can affect the health of a child and must be avoided.

9. Taking A Bath Daily

Children must be taught that it is not okay to skip their shower as it helps to cleanse the body of unwanted bacteria and germs, else it can increase their susceptibility to illness.

10. Dealing with Illnesses

Children should stay at home if they have a running temperature or any other minor illness and must not be ignored no matter how excited he/she is to attend school. Adequate rest must be taken for a full recovery for the well-being of the child.

Koala Preschool understands these situations and is prepared for any medical emergency, with a special care room allotted to children who aren't well along with a caretaker and teacher to attend to them full time. It is not only to ensure the safety of the child but his/her peers especially in cases of contagious diseases doing rounds inside the school.

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